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Gilbert, AZ Property Owners' Handy Guide To Argentine Ants

argentine ant crawling on ground outside

Just because something is commonplace doesn't mean that it's acceptable or should be accepted. Many home and business owners make the mistake of thinking that pests that are usually present are harmless. The reality is, most insects and creatures can create some form of damage. Many ruin buildings or belongings. Others injure people with assaults or make them sick through disease transmission or germs. Several are capable of doing all these things. Believe it or not, ants can wreak all kinds of havoc. There are multiple ant species, and each has its own risk factors.

Argentine ants are prevalent in Gilbert. By taking time to read about them, you'll have an understanding of how they operate and what they might do to you or your property. Further, you'll know how to keep them away with the help of What's Bugging You Pest Control.

How Do Argentine Ants Look & Behave? What Are the Dangers?

Argentine ants are extremely small, being about 1/10 of an inch long. The completely hairless bugs come in various shades of brown. Their two antennas have 12 segments. Adult males and queens are winged. Unfortunately for property owners, this species is known for being invasive with dwellings. Intrusions often happen during colder weather. Before they penetrate through foundation cracks and crevices, they'll be on the land festering in moist spots. You'll likely find them around or nesting in:

  • Organic debris
  • Soil or mulch
  • Logs and wood
  • Tree or plant bases
  • Sidewalks
  • Beneath buildings or structures
  • Under floorboards and voids

The colonies of Argentine ants are interconnected, vast, and generally feature numerous queens that can produce a bevy of white eggs daily. These pests can become of great concern rather quickly. It's nothing for them to overrun a whole street block. Primary signs of infestation include seeing their traveling trails along trees, edible fare, and homes and businesses. The foremost fear with Argentine ants is food and surface contamination. Naturally icky, the bugs have germs on their skin. They cultivate even more microbes since they're attracted to waste and decay. Ants spread pathogens as a result of the fungal and bacterial matter they carry. Specifically, Shigella, E. coli, and salmonellosis are all problems associated with ants. Sugar, oil, honeydew, and other insects are some things the Argentine subspecies feed on; however, they are prone to eat just about anything.

How Do You Prevent Argentine Ants?

Performing the following tasks will make your place less ideal for Argentine ants:

  • Close up openings in rooflines, doors, windows, and foundations
  • All exterior doors should have sweeps attached
  • Have leaks and fixture issues repaired
  • Keep your kitchen and pantries neat
  • Clean up spills and food messes immediately
  • Use containers with tight lids for food and garbage storage
  • Routinely wash dishes, take out the trash, and vacuum
  • Regularly cut the grass and trim greenery
  • Sit plants and flowers at least two feet away from your property
  • Remove debris and rotting matter from the lawn
  • Get rid of yard elements that hold in moisture, such as rocks
  • Don't let branches hang over your roof
  • Make sure gutters and downspouts are directed away from the property

Despite your best efforts, you still may find yourself dealing with an Argentine ant problem. In the end, it's best to partner with a pest control professional.

What Can What's Bugging You Pest Control Do About Argentine Ants?

You can rest assured that our Argentine ant solutions at What's Bugging You Pest Control are effective because they have been developed through evidence-based research and proven to work. We offer safe, stalwart, and fast-acting treatments with reasonable pricing. Our technicians are professional and skilled. Whether you're looking for ant control or struggling with other unwanted pests, we have the solutions for you! Reach out to us today to learn more about our year-round pest control options.
